On Wednesday, October 16, Triumph High School hosted its annual Trades Day. Local companies like Simon, Mechanical Systems, Advanced Comfort Solutions, Lincoln Tech, and Thunder Beast Arms Corporation along with LCCC, the Army recruiters, City of Cheyenne workers and BOPU representatives, and local IBEW-NECA electrician apprenticeship reps set up booths to demonstrate some of the skills and equipment along with information about some specific trades or careers. Students visited the booths and spoke with representatives and even had the chance to try out some of the tools or skills.
This year’s event was put together by Triumph High School Business teacher Leigh Ann Ojeda, Triumph’s college and career counselor TJ Kirkbride, and Workforce Partnership Facilitator for LCSD 1, Adam Keizer. Ms. Ojeda shared, “My goal each year for the Trades Fair is to bring careers to Triumph students. Most traditional career fairs are all the same. There are rows of booths handing out merch, and either telling students to get a degree, or come fill out a job application, if the company is in the fast-food industry. Our students know how to obtain fast food-type jobs, and most are not interested in traditional post-secondary education. That being said, I decided to put together something a bit different. The employers that come to the trades fair are willing to offer paid internships to our students to begin their careers. These employers are offering our students an opportunity to have more than a job, to obtain a career, without having to attend traditional college.” She went on to add that the feedback from the students has been universally positive just as in years past. Deciding on a career and how to pursue it is a challenge faced by graduates, educators, and businesses together and events like Trades Day will hopefully help some young people find a career and contribute to one of these trades and businesses.